
Showing posts from July, 2023

TOM'S REPORT , TRIP TO COTE D’IVOIRE 2023, June 13 N'Douci Education Center for Village Chocolate, New Machines

  TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 2023  T he house that is our new center for cocoa instruction in N'Douci.  We arrived in N’Douci at 2:30 PM. We tried to get some cocoa beans but the person who brought the bag tried to sell us totally sub-standard beans.   I showed Roger why these beans were not good enough.   Unfortunately, I did not take a picture but there were flat beans, broken beans, teeny beans, sticks and stones.   In the business, we call that "useful for mulching your garden."  So, off to a bad start with the locals who supplied us poor quality.   We have a long way to go to teach people how to make chocolate and how to pay attention to quality. It took about 45 minutes to assemble the craqueur/vanneur. First , you turn on the vacuum cleaner.  Then you introduce the roasted beans at the top and you turn the hand crank to break the beans into nibs and hulls.    The vacuum sucks air up the lit up column (in front) and the hulls fly ...

TOM'S REPORT, TRIP TO COTE D’IVOIRE 2023, June 12 Meetings and new partners

 MONDAY, JUNE 12, 2023 We started the day by meeting with David and JP plus Roger et al.  Klaus took video and pictures.   Meeting with TechnoServe at USAID building.  From the left:  Zeze (David’s brother), Roger, Axel, Tom, Jean Joel (translator), Peggie, and David I filled them in on the manual and on the accompanying flash drives.  I also talked about our hopes for the TechnoServe meeting to be held at noon.  We adjourned the meeting at 11 AM.   We spent about half an hour looking for the offices.  Communications between the parties about the meeting became confused. Turns out the meeting was not in the customary place.  We ended up in a building that houses USAID, so it’s very fancy, complete with a small, attractive museum with African sculptures. We joined the meeting at 1 PM, a full hour late.  Jean-Michel Wronmy and Alexis Anouan represented TechnoServe.  The Cémoi Chocolate people did not attend.  One p...

TOM'S REPORT, TRIP TO COTE D’IVOIRE 2023 - June 11 Arriving at Abidjan

 SUNDAY, JUNE 11:   We all shared carp à l’Abidjanaise.  Left hotel at 7:30 AM.  Checked into gate and flew to Paris.   Peggie Bates, PH&F Board member, joined me around 12:30 PM, we had lunch, and boarded the plane around 2:00 PM.   Flew to Abidjan and landed at 7 PM.  Spent 1 hour in line to get visa.  Line through passports was quick.   Mathurin Zougbo came to customs area to meet us, cheerfully said hello to everyone.   We ate dinner right next to airport.