TOM'S REPORT, TRIP TO COTE D’IVOIRE 2023, June 12 Meetings and new partners

 MONDAY, JUNE 12, 2023

We started the day by meeting with David and JP plus Roger et al.  Klaus took video and pictures.  

Meeting with TechnoServe at USAID building. From the left:  Zeze (David’s brother), Roger, Axel, Tom, Jean Joel (translator), Peggie, and David

I filled them in on the manual and on the accompanying flash drives.  I also talked about our hopes for the TechnoServe meeting to be held at noon.  We adjourned the meeting at 11 AM.  

We spent about half an hour looking for the offices.  Communications between the parties about the meeting became confused. Turns out the meeting was not in the customary place.  We ended up in a building that houses USAID, so it’s very fancy, complete with a small, attractive museum with African sculptures.

We joined the meeting at 1 PM, a full hour late.  Jean-Michel Wronmy and Alexis Anouan represented TechnoServe.  The Cémoi Chocolate people did not attend.  One person from CCC did attend.  We spent about 2 hours getting to know each other.  I told them that our major interest is in setting up chocolate-producing cooperatives.

After the TNS meeting, we drove to the Hyper U, where we bought a vacuum cleaner for the N’Douci project, as well as a glass bowl, a couple rubber spatulas, etc.

At around 5:30 PM we got back to the hotel, where we were met by Alex Emmanuel.  He is interested in joining the board and is also interested in marketing village chocolates through his connections.  He also knows how to ship chocolate to France for about $7 per Kg (instead of $20).


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